Tapioca Crackling: Easy and Super Crunchy Recipe – Tastes Like Chips!

If you love crispy and tasty snacks, you must try this delicious Tapioca Crackling recipe! Easy to prepare and with a texture reminiscent of chips, this tapioca crackling is an irresistible option to serve as a snack or side dish. Discover how to make this delight at home and be amazed by the crunchy and flavorful result!


  • 1 egg
  • A pinch of salt
  • A pinch of sweet paprika
  • 6.8 fl oz (200 ml) of milk
  • 8.8 oz (250 g) of sour tapioca starch (polvilho azedo)
  • Oil for frying


  1. In a bowl, mix the beaten egg with a pinch of salt and a pinch of sweet paprika.
  2. Add the milk (6.8 fl oz / 200 ml) to the mixture and stir well.
  3. Gradually add the sour tapioca starch (8.8 oz / 250 g) to the mixture, stirring until you obtain a batter with a consistency similar to pancake batter.
  4. In a hot skillet with a drizzle of oil, place small portions of the batter (like pancakes) and let them brown on both sides.
  5. Remove the pancakes from the skillet and let them cool.
  6. Cut the pancakes into smaller pieces and set aside.
  7. In a pot with hot oil, fry the pieces of batter until they are crispy and golden.
  8. Remove from the pot and let them drain on paper towels.
  9. Serve the crispy tapioca snacks and enjoy!

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